Monday, February 4, 2013


Kids love the swing feel melody of this song about one of their favorite Bible personalities.
The first verse and chorus says:

A Voice said, "Noah, this is the Lord.  
Build a big boat and climb aboard.
Soon it will rain, then it will pour."
Noah was a faithful man.
So he built it wide, he built it long.
He built it high, and he built it strong.
He followed God's plan, so he couldn't go wrong.
Noah was a faithful man.

With a laugh and a sigh they said,
"Oh my, why build a boat on the ground so high?
How can an ocean fall from the sky?"
But Noah was a faithful man."

Listen to a song clip HERE.

This song is featured on In the Beginning album which can be ordered HERE.

In the Beginning curriculum (from the book of Genesis) can be ordered HERE.

COMMENT ABOUT MARY'S MUSIC:  "Mary Rice-Hopkins is an extremely talented lady and her music is first-class! I regularly select her songs for use during our nationally-syndicated children’s radio program WE KIDS because each is Bible-based and Christ-centered.” (Ken Boone, “Mr. Nick”, WE KIDS Radio, Paradise, CA)

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